Mob: 0414 344 239
Private Health Fund Rebates may apply.

Trigger Point Therapy on steroids is what Dry Needling is like. Hugely effective western medicine version of the ancient art of acupuncture. The needles we use are the same thickness as your hair! Discuss the benefits of this treatment with us today.

We accepts all kinds of payment, making it easier for you to manage your budget.

We accepts all kinds of payment, making it easier for you to manage your budget.

Trigger Point Therapy on steroids is what Dry Needling is like. Hugely effective western medicine version of the ancient art of acupuncture. The needles we use are the same thickness as your hair! Discuss the benefits of this treatment with us today.
Special Emergency Services Offer

Emergency Services workers do a great job. Having worked in law enforcement for 16 years (12.5 as a Military Policeman and 4 as a contractor for the Department of Justice assisting Victoria Police), Alex knows better than most the pressures the job can put a person through. It is for this reason, that You Relax Massage offers a special concession rate for any current serving Ambulance, Fire, Police or SES workers.
Book online here, and pay the concession rate instead of my standard rate for a great massage (save 35%).
Bookings by appointment only. Please feel free to sms Alex on 0414 344 239 if you cannot find a suitable time online and we'll see what we can do to make a time available, whether early morning, late at night, or weekends.
Services provided by:
You Relax Massage
Alex van der End
Remedial Massage Therapist
Author of Give BACK Hope
By appointment only.
All Private Health Insurance Funds accepted.